Friday, February 5, 2010


I am taking care of my daughter's little kitten while she is in KC. The picture of Pinckney just brought the thought of the old saying "curiosity killed the cat". But I see it it a bit different. What is new, intriguing and makes us wonder, is what makes the human spirit grow as well as the intellect. Pinckney has no idea what is going on with the computer but she is still intrigued nonetheless. She doesn't need to know the bits and bites, the cpu workings, how the display projects an image. None of that is important. It is a warm and inviting spot and entertaining as well. Gets the job done as far as she's concerned. But for us humans, that will not do. We need to know the intricacies and how to improve on them. Maybe it's time we all just look at things from Pinckney's viewpoint. A bit more basic. A bit more relaxing. After all, "curiosity killed the cat". (Pic on the right is what the computer probably saw)

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