Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax day with a capital T

Like many, I have just signed sealed and delivered, albeit electronically, our 2008 tax returns plus checks. Ironically, there are protesters at the State Capitol, dropping off tea bags as a symbol of the original Boston Tea Party, which was a protest of "Taxation without Representation". Lipton Tea's parent stock is soaring. Great marketing idea, ha. Actually, we seem to be getting back to revolutionary times more and more. And maybe we should get back to a simple single pay taxation and a balancing of the budgets on all levels. Seems we the people need some real representation and the ground swell has just started. The Founding Fathers were very wise and the Constitution of the United States is more relevant now than ever. Maybe time we all review it as well as the Amendments and our Rights as citizens.
Also ironic, is that Abraham Lincoln died this day in 1865 from his assassins' wounds. Here are the last words of his Gettysburg Address to remind us all that freedom and our great government does not come without some sacrifice no matter how small it may be.
"It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

Voting is a privilege and may require some sacrifice..getting off our chairs and going to the polls. Not sure if we can count writing a check to the IRS as a privilege, but it is sure a sacrifice.

Monday, April 6, 2009

the times they are a changing

More than just the name of a great old song things keep on a changing. Who would have thought Michigan State would be in the NCAA BB Championship, an upstart looking to unravel the grip of a perennial champ. No, I am not just talking BB here, but the same could be said for the Dane County Executive Race. I am comparing the two, Michigan State and Nancy Mistele both in a great position to make a major upset bid. Can you believe it? Both have a chance and both are the underdog and the trip to the finals has been what everyone expected it to be. Hopefully it will be a knock down drag 'em out championship game with the best team/person ( and I guess we could say team for Mistele's campaign team) winning. The one thing we know is constant is "change". Change in the good sense. Some cents and sensibility back in the Dane County and back in Big Ten Country. Just make sure your voice is heard in front of the TV and more importantly on election day. "You make the call!" in the very sense of the word.
And for Major League Baseball? That generates millions of dollars in revenue for southern Wisconsin and especially SE Wis. Let's wish them all the luck and keep the Cubs/Brewers rivalry going. They drink beer too don't they?